Female Focused, Audience Obsessed


Utilizing a dialed in, hands-on approach, Podcast(H)er digita media agency guides some of the best female hosted podcasts from micro-influeners to household names; placing an unparalleled emphasis on profitable action steps to a highly engaged audience.
Learn More ➡️

Your Voice Is Meant To Make An Impact


Utilizing a dialed in, hands-on approach, Podcast(H)er guides some of the best female hosted podcasts from micro-influeners to household names.  Podcast(H)er places an unparalleled emphasis on audience growth, monetization, and community. 

Apply To The Network & Scale ➡️

With Joanne Bolt

Host of The B-Word Podcast, Rated Top 1.5% Globally (Humble Brag Acknowledged)

Skyrocketing  The Voice & Impact Of Female Podcast Hosts In The Podcast(H)er Network


"Impact isn't having something to's having someone wanting to listen to what you have to say"

*steps off soapbox* 


The first and only podcast network for the micro-podcaster (you know who you are...sitting out there in the world of social media without a million followers 😊), our curated hands-on approach serves some of the best talent in podcasting as they grow their brand, grow their network, and grow their revenue.  


Show Me How To Apply For The Network! →

August Bootcamp

How to create a profitable podcast in 4 easy steps.  


Spend 2 days learning the 4-phase Podcast Profitability system that’s grown my podcast listeners from a handful to hundreds of thousands 🙌, my revenue from thousands to millions 🎉,  and given me the freedom to scale and build the business of my dreams ✌️

Snag my seat!