Apply To Join The Network

Turn Your Podcast Into THE Unstoppable Force Behind Your Business With The 

Podcast(H)er Network


Even if your audience is just your mom, your dog, and a handful of loyal listeners...for now 🍷

Apply To Join The Network 👇

You've Heard Of Podcast Networks Because All Your Favorite Hosts Are In Them
(and it's piqued your curiosity)...So Why Aren't You?




You've poured your heart, soul, and not to mention, a LOT of money into your podcast.
Upgraded your mic (hello, crisp sound!), nailed social media marketing, and polished your content till it shines...


Yet your downloads have

still barely

increased past last year’s goals...

Feeling like you're just whispering into the void? Wondering if it's just your inner circle tuning in?

Let's put an end to that. 


Pour yourself a glass of wine and let's talk about building a profitable business: one that attracts clients who are ready, willing, and able to buy from you + makes money every day 

"Chase sponsorships," they said.

"Build a massive team," they whispered.

But, girlfriend to girlfriend, the one thing you’re not being told is 🔽

The Podcasting Industry Is Broken


(Yep. I went there)

In order to be recognized in the top have to have a huge following. get that following, you need people to know about you.
(Which would happen if you were a chart topper...)

The industry helps the big names and ignores the up-and-coming ones like you and me.

I know firsthand what it feels like to be doing "all the things" + working so hard with NO RESULTS.

Feeling like my podcast was falling on deaf ears and wondering
if I just needed to stop recording and stick to social media as the top of my marketing funnel.

It's exhausting...and unfortunately, it's where I find my podcasters get stuck.

You feeling this? 😜

Hold My Wine, I'm About To Shatter Your Podcasting Myths 😉

ou've been fed lies...


Here's the truth straight from the vineyard: Reviews aren't what grow your audience. 

 Ready for the real deal? You can have all the reviews in the world and not see a single increase in downloads. BUT if a friend tells their friend about your show, boom—download increase. 

Why? Because your podcast is the ultimate relationship builder. Your listeners become your friends, and friends share with friends. 

That's why your podcast is not just a show. It's your powerhouse marketing officer, pulling in leads, building your brand, and making money while you're sipping on that Cabernet Sauvignon.

→ Your Podcast is your built-in chief marketing officer...building referrals every 👏 damn 👏 day 👏


(I said what I said!) 

Join The Network 👇

I realized it was not good enough to simply have a podcast. I needed a system to consistently bring new people to it at the right moment in my business.


Cultivating the Right Strategy Opens the Door for You to…

Rise from an ambitious newcomer to the leading voice in your industry

Monetize your podcast while attracting a raving, expanding audience

Turn your little ol’ pod into a profitable business driver with endless possibilities


I want you to expand your audience and scale your brand. You Ready?

Apply To Join

You Should Be Making Money 365 Days A Year

Your Three-Part  Playbook to Reaching a New Level of Success

(And hit your f*cking Pod goals!)


You're going to




Visibility Like Never Before

Forget mentions. Chart across multiple distribution channels to build visibility and expand your reach.


Business Enhancement

Every episode is a revenue opportunity. Imagine a network amplifying your reach and funneling audiences to your offers.


Become The Brand

Establish your authority with expert-led workshops and personalized feedback.

The effect? Be unmistakable. Be influential.





🥳 The first and only podcast network obsessed with female focused audiences in podcasting, where you can:

Fast-Track Audience Growth…

With a clear-cut master plan to profitability...

…and treat your podcast like the business it f*cking is

Apply To Join The Network Already! 🥳🥳🥳

Most podcast networks focus on pure monetization.
We take a different approach here at Podcast(H)er. 


Taking it beyond the status quo for the micro-influencer host who's struggling to make their show work for their business, we focus on the profitable action steps you need to take to have a highly engaged audience (Keep nodding your head.  We see you over there)


The Podcast(H)er Network is the Mastermind + Business Partner you didn't know you needed....but now that you know you can't know?!  😉

Let's Do The Damn Thing! 💃🏻

Featured in Apple Channel

Gain visibility by being featured on Podcast(H)er Network's Apple Channel, attracting new listeners and expanding your audience.


Weekly Inside The Studio Coaching

Join Joanne & the team in the studio for behind-the-scenes live coaching sessions. Bring your questions and a glass of wine, and have a seat at the table. It's where founders and CEOs are made, and it's the ONLY PLACE Joanne coaches

Value: $20,997

Instagram Spotlight Growth Strategy

Be featured across the network's Instagram Stories, boosting your visibility and attracting new followers to grow your podcast's audience. 


Value: $997

LE Podcast(H)er Box w/Exclusive Merch

 Value: $97


  • Monthly Perks Unlocked to grow the profitability of your business (Value: Priceless)
  • Access to the Studio, Podcast(H)er's Private Community to build your business (Value: $5,964)
  • Discounts on Software, Services, and Products (Value: Priceless)
  • Templates and Swipe Files (Value $647)
  • Monthly Q&A Sessions where you can submit questions in advance
  • Monetization opportunities to grow your revenue 💸 (Value: HELLOOOO PRICELESS....)
  • Exclusive Access to Team Podcast(H)er Support
  • Network Exclusive Text Message Community

Total Value: $69,699

Join Right Now: $1999 annually

Apply To Join Now!

A Growing Network for Podcasts on the Cusp of Something Big

Join me for a quick Podcast Interview?

Answer these to see if you’ll fit right in…

  • Are you a female podcaster with BIG GOALS - I’m talking about being a leading voice in your industry or hitting top podcast charts globally 🙌?
  • Do you consistently drop episodes but still not see as much growth as you’d like?
  • Do you want to monetize your podcast in ways that feel good for YOU?
  • How about wanting to collaborate with like-minded women and market the sh*t out of your podcast & business?
  • Are you tired of Googling “How to grow my Podcast reach?” (same girl. same!)
  • Have you joined countless other masterminds/ group programs/ Experiences and realized they just don't get you?
It's Like You're Reading My Mind! I'm Ready To Apply!

And who will be linking arms alongside you?

Me! I'm Joanne Bolt


I know firsthand that you don’t have to fit the mold to grow. After launching my podcast, I was sure that the key to success + profitability was getting as many sponsorships as possible and joining a large podcast network. Oh yeah.  And posting relentlessly on social media.  


I knew that scaling my business would be so much faster if other top podcasting hosts would just refer me out.  I spent 1.5 years applying to Networks that pay big-time hosts to join them and push their agendas.

Only to be rejected because I didn't have 100,000 downloads per month.

After so many rejections, I didn’t stop chasing my dreams and instead figured out an organic, authentic strategy to scale my podcast to sit in the top 1.5% worldwide and sell out a 100+ in-person event from it - all while staying true to myself. 

Meanwhile I...
  • Achieved 100,000 downloads with 3k followers
  • Founded Podcast(H)er®- supporting female podcasters to build empires. (yes girl.  Empires.  Stop playing small)
  • Created the Podcast(H)er Network®- fueling the growth and monetization of network podcasts.
  • Built a seven-figure business as a podcaster, speaker, educator, and virtual business coach.  

Now, I help other ambitious women build their business and run it from behind their microphones, too. 

 I’ll help you link arms with a strong network of like-minded podcast(H)ers and attract a raving, expanding audience with a storytelling-rich strategy. 


Let’s get f*cking started, bestie.

Apply To Join The Network

Say Less!  I'm In!!


Oh Yes!  These are my people!

Add My Podcast To The Network

Sounds Like You? 

“I’m Choosing Between Joining the Network and Investing in Podcast Production.” 

Listen, I’m all about telling it how it is - 

Upgrading your tech or hiring an editing team can be good investments, but if you’ve already gained consistency + established your podcast…

…they are NOT going to help you reach new heights

They may free up your time or improve your sound quality, but they’re not going to empower you to break through the plateau and turn your podcast into a profitable business. 

→ Focusing on strategy over the logistics first allows you to grow your podcast faster, attract better monetization opportunities, and collapse the timeline to success. 

…and not to toot my own horn, but all of the above ^ is exactly what we’re best at inside Podcast(H)er. 

Pour Me A Glass! I'm In!

Let's Recap One Last Time...

As a Network Member, You'll…

💃Pursue your bold dreams with a personalized, no-bs growth strategy
💃Finally, stop wondering “Why the F is nothing working” and see your downloads on the rise!
💃Learn to Monetize your podcast in a way that’s in alignment with your brand (and without running tons of disruptive, snooze-worthy ads) 
💃Improve the quality of your podcast so you can delight your audience and attract better guests
💃Feel a true sense of belonging to a strong network of ambitious women who want to see each other rise 
💃Turn your podcast into a magnetic force that brings new leads onto your email list, opportunities to your door, and clients on your roster 
Sound about right?  Good!


Let's Kick A$$ Together. 

Apply To Join The Network

Mic Drop. Let’s F*cking Get It, Girlfriend.

This is your podcast outro calling. It's Time Apply To Join The Network

The reason a podcast network exists is for growth and monetization.  Unlike other networks where you, as the host, are contractually obligated to read scripts promoting podcasts you've never met (helllooooo time sucker!) or cheesy sponsor ads to products you've NEVER used (that's why they only accept podcasts with large audiences) we take a different approach. 


We take it beyond the status quo.  The reason you're craving growth is because you need a little help.  (keep nodding your head.  We see you over there)


The Podcast(H)er Network is the Mastermind + Business Partner you didn't know you needed....but now that you know you can't know?!  😉

Let's Do The Damn Thing! 💃🏻

Exclusive Access to Team Podcast(H)er Support

Get dedicated support from our team to troubleshoot, strategize, and optimize every aspect of your podcasting journey.


In-Studio Power Sessions

Weekly behind-the-scenes Live Coaching with Joanne & the team. Bring your questions and a glass of wine, and have a seat at the table. It's where CEOs are made & it's the ONLY PLACE Joanne coaches.

Value: $20,997

Host-Driven Community

Join a highly engaged community of ambitious women, all building profitable businesses with podcasting at the top of their marketing funnel. 


Value: $997

Exclusive Network Retreat Invites

Exclusive invites to 3 Podcast(H)er Network Retreats a year. Think of this as the mastermind you almost joined somewhere else....(aren't you glad you didn't?)


Value: $27,000


  • Monthly perks unlocked to scale your audience (Value $ Priceless) 
  • Discounts on software, services, and products (Value: Priceless)
  • 3-Step Proven Process To Scaling both your audience and your revenue.
  • Access The Studio, Podcast(H)er's Private Community to build your business (Value: $5,964)
  • Monetization opportunities to grow your revenue 💸 (Value: HELLOOOO PRICELESS....)
  • Instagram Spotlight Growth Strategy
  • Templates and Swipe Files (Value $647)
  • Monthly Q&A Sessions where you can submit questions in advance
  • Network Exclusive Text Message Community 
  • Feature Your Show on The Podcast(H)er Network Apple Podcast Channel 

Total Value: $69,699

Join Right Now: $1999 annually

Apply Now!